Specializing in business and/or the law has gotten you where you are today.
Accordingly, your work requires a highly specialized translator
to seamlessly translate your French materials into impeccable English.
Legal Translation
Below are some of the standard French legal documents that I routinely translate into English:
- writs
- pleadings
- contracts and agreements
- SLAs
- insurance contracts
- employment contracts
- CBAs
- divorce decrees
- vital records
- birth, marriage, and death certificates
- deeds and other real estate documents
- wills and estate documentation
- immigration documentation
- regulatory responses and documentation
- insurance
- life, health, and disability
- policies, claims and documentation

corporate/financial translation
The following are a sampling of the French corporate and investor relations publications and documents that I regularly translate into English:
- annual reports
- earnings announcements
- financial statements
- intranet news
- press releases
- balance sheets
- market news
- newsletters
- half-year reports
- Key Investor Information Documents (KIIDs)
- disclosures
- terms and conditions
- training manuals
- promotional materials/brochures
- advertising copy
- pitchbooks and presentations

Do you have a project in mind that I might help you with?
Have more questions about my services?
Contact me for more information.
Specializing in business and/or the law has gotten you where you are today.
Accordingly, our work requires a highly specialized translator to seamlessly translate your French materials into impeccable English.

Legal Translation
Below are some of the standard French legal documents that I routinely translate into English:
* writs *
* pleadings *
* contracts and agreements *
(SLAs, insurance,
employment, CBAs)
* divorce decrees *
* vital records *
(birth, marriage, and death certificates)
* deeds and other real estate documents *
* wills and estate documentation *
* immigration documentation *
* regulatory responses and documentation *
* insurance (life, health, and disability) policies, claims and documentation *

Corporate/Financial Translation
The following are a sampling of the French corporate and investor relations publications and documents that I regularly translate into English:
* annual reports *
* earnings announcements *
* financial statements *
* intranet news *
* press releases *
* balance sheets *
* market news *
* newsletters *
* half-year reports *
* Key Investor Information Documents (KIIDs) *
* disclosures *
* terms and conditions *
* training manuals *
* promotional *
* materials/brochures *
* advertising copy *
* pitchbooks and presentations *
Do you have a project in mind that I might help you with?
Have more questions about my services?
Contact me for more information.